Serving the Salem community for 125 years
Other Salem Elks Lodge Projects and Charitable Activities
Blood Drives
The Salem Elks Lodge hosts regular blood drives in partnership with the American Red Cross. These blood drives are open to the public to come in and donate to help save lives right her in our community through the act of blood donation. You can check our calendar or the American Red Cross website to find the date of our next blood drive.
Backpacks and School Supplies
Our lodge uses funds from one of our Elks National Foundation Community Investment Program Grants to provide backpacks filled schools supplies to area students. Since the start of this project we have provided almost 1,000 backpacks filed with school supplies to area students.
Supporting Local Organizations
Thanks to the generosity of our past and current members the Salem Elks Lodge donates thousands of dollars each year to local organizations. Past recipients has included Habitat for Humanity, Boys and Girls Club, the Adaptive Riding Institute, and the DARE program.
Preserving History
The Salem Elks Lodge was proud to be a donor and supporter of the effort to return and restore OV-1 Mohawk #926 to Oregon. This aircraft has mapped forest fires, took images of Mt St Helens following it eruption and more. And now it is back home in Salem and on Display across the street from the Lodge at the Oregon National Guard facility.
Pandemic Relief
During the COVID-19 Pandemic the Salem Elks Lodge provided support to two local organizations providing assistance to families. The first was Marion Polk Food Share which helped provide food to families in need. The other was the Kroc Center which was providing emergency child care to families of first responders and other essential workers during the early days of the pandemic.
Wildfire Relief
During 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic Oregon also faced unprecedented wildfires. The Salem Elks Lodge offered our RV park for use by those displaced by the fires. In addition, we also provided donations of goods to local human society which was caring for displaced pets, as well as items for displaced families.