So long as there are Veterans the Salem Elks will never forget them!
The Salem Elks Lodge, and all lodges in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, share a common commitment to serving our nations veterans. Our order firmly believes that so long as there are veterans, the BPOE will not forget them. The Salem Elks Lodge has aligned many of our major charity projects to serve veterans not just in Salem but in several surrounding communities. Annually the Salem Elks contributes nearly $20,000 in support to area veterans.
The Salem Elks Lodge has led and contributed to multiple projects to supper the Edward C. Allworth Veterans Home in Lebanon Oregon. Our lodge has worked closely with the staff and other lodges in our district to make sure the needs of the facilities honored residents are met. Some of our projects with the facility include:
Providing 20 tablets for use by residents to communicate with friends and family as well as to take advantage of telemedicine opportunities through the VA.
Providing a Christmas show, refreshments, and gifts for all residents of the facility. Including specialized gifts for residents of the memory care unit.
Providing snacks, coffee, soda, and other requested items for the honored residents of the facility. Many of these items became difficult for the facility to get during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Elks delivered when other vendors were unable to.
Provided multiple meals to the staff working round the clock during COVID outbreaks to ensure the health and safety of the facilitates honored residents. The Salem Elks Lodge in partnership with other lodges provided 5 meals to the facility staff.
The Salem Elks Lodge was a recipient of a class of 2020 Elks National Foundation Impact Grant for $10,000. This grant was used to fund a project to work with community partners to aid in the successful transitioning of homeless veterans to stable housing. The Salem Elks work with our partners to provide essential household goods such as dishes, pots and pans, towels, sheets, and cleaning supplies to veterans as they are housed in apartments. This project launched in the midst of a global pandemic as well as unprecedented wildfires impacting our community. However, the Salem Elks Lodge was able able to meet the challenge and so far has provided over 100 Welcome Home kits to housed veterans.
Each year our lodge opens its doors to veterans, there spouses, and/or caregivers to join us at the lodge for a free meal in thanks for their service to our country. One year at our lunch we had three members of the greatest generation honor us with their attendance at our Veterans Day meal. This meal has taken many forms over the years. Sometimes it is a lunch other times it can be a dinner. But one thing that is consistent is our commitment and dedication to serving those who have served our country.
Working with our community partners in addition to working with homeless veterans we also work with recently employed veterans who may not be able to afford essential work items. Our lodge has stepped up to help provide things like work shoes, gloves, and safety goggles for veterans entering the workforce.
Finally, we know that many veterans are struggling as our member of our National Guard. The Salem Elks Lodge works with multiple partner agencies to identify families in need during the holidays. The lodge is able to help provide food assistance as well as Christmas presents for the families of veterans and National Guard members who can use the extra help at the holidays. Through this project we have assisted dozens of families and hundreds of kids.